5 Steps to Determining if You're Ready to Adopt a Dog

Thinking about adopting a new Favorite Child into the family? Of course you are! Becoming a Dog Mom or Dog Dad can be one of the most rewarding and joy-filled experiences of your life! However - a more important question is, "Are you truly ready for the commitment?". 

Throughout my years as a dog lover - this important question has prevented me from making some serious adoption mistakes due to the timing of my life - I won't even mention my attempt to co-adopt a Boxer-mix with my buddies while we were in college. 

However - the desire to bring a young puppy or soul-full rescue into your life can often outweigh your logic so I've created these 5 steps to help you make the right decisions: 

1) What's Your Why? 

As Simon Sinek is Famous for - everything always comes down to your "Why". Dogs are often called "Man's best friend" because they are so compatible with us! They bring us companionship, light-hearted spirits, and can be great activity buddies! But believe it or not - finding the right why is the first crucial step. Dog parenting comes with it's share of challenges - and during the hard times - you will always fall back on your "why" and let it guide your decisions and behavior during the process. Adopting a dog for attention, to impress someone else, to only enjoy the positive experiences and not acknowledge the hardships, are all reasons that will ultimately fail not you - but your dog. 

Your sole why should be, "To raise and nurture a to-be loved one and to shower and be showered with unconditional love". 

2) Timing is Everything 

Think of the busiest time of your life. Were you in school? Starting a business? Traveling the world? Now imagine those times when you have an adorable furry friend at home who is 100% dependent on you. Would that lifestyle be FAIR to your dog? If your life plan doesn't weigh in your responsibility as a dog parent - it's not the right time. If traveling Thailand for 3 months or going on a road trip across the U.S. with your best friend are in your 5 year plan - it may not be the right time for you - but that doesn't mean it will never be

Always ask yourself, "Would this be a good situation to raise and care for my dog in?". 

3) The Right Environment

This is a tricky one! Different dog breeds come in all shapes, sizes, temperaments, and needs! For instance - an Irish Wolf Dog needs a vastly different living environment than a Havenese or Maltese. Here are some things to take into account when determining the right fit: 

a) Space - Do I have the right yard/living space for the needs of my dog? 

b) Physical Needs - Do I live in an area that will satisfy my dogs physical needs (walking, dog parks, and long winters can all be factors)

c) Other Animals - If you have other animals - determine the impact of raising them together in the same area. 

Here is a fun and interactive quiz to give you some ideas! http://www.akc.org/find-a-match/#slide1

4) The Financial Commitment 

According to the ASPCA - the first year of dog ownership will cost approx. $1,270.00 with continued annual expenses of almost $700.00. This does not even include emergency funds for health issues and vet costs (can exceed $2,000.00). Here are some things to take into account when considering your finances: 

Crates, Neuturing Costs, Training, Initial Medical Exams, Food, Treats, Toys, Grooming Products, Insurances, Licenses, and the list goes on. 

Learn more about it here: Can I Afford a Dog? 


5) Is it the Right Fit for the Dog? 

The last and final question you must answer is a culmination of all the self-reflection you've explored throughout this process. Is it the right fit and the right decision for the dog and their lifespan? The only advice I'll give it to be honest with your self and avoid getting trapped in a desire over logic mindset.